Monday, 14 June 2021
Today we only had one tour in the afternoon as the weather was very moody and it feels a bit like a breeze of winter is back in town. We sailed out from Akureyri having a bit windy conditions, and the further we went it was getting darker and thick fog came into our way - it didn’t look very promising but once we passed Hrisey it was like a paradise land! Full sun, a little bit of wind and 2 Humpback whales!! There was another boat around so we stayed with one humpback through out the tour. The whale was actively feeding and gave us amazing show coming to the surface very frequently and very close to us. We had few incredible encounters when the whale popped up right in front of us with his mouth full! We just can’t wait to go out there tomorrow!
Pictures & Text: Ania Wojcik
Departures today: 13:00 Classic