Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Amazing day in the fjord!!! Close encounters with Humpback whales are becoming part of our daily routine these days! Today we went out on two classic whale watching tours and two express tours. The morning tours found 2 individuals of very relaxed humpback whales travelling together on the east side of Hrisey Island. The whales were inseparable and synchronized going for dives together! In the afternoon we went out very excited to find them again, but it seems they have gone further out north. We found another individual of a Humpback whale that seemed incredibly curious of us and constantly approaching our boat! He was clearly checking us out and it’s just unforgettable to see a whale just a meter away from the boat. We also spotted a harbour seal and a lot of birdlife including Puffins, Northern Gannet, Arctic Terns and Fulmars!

Text: Ania Wojcik
Pictures: Ania Wojcik & Anna Gummarsdottir

Departures Today: 9:00 & 13:00 Classic, 10:00 & 14:00 Express


Thursday, 15 July 2021


Tuesday, 13 July 2021