Monday, 27 September 2021

What a beautiful day to sail! The sun was shinning and overnight snow had fallen, coating the surrounding mountains in a delightful blanket of snow, which really dramatized the lovely landscape. On our morning departure we found the wonderful humpback whale “Cosmos” which delighted us with some lovely close encounters. It showed off its beautiful white fluke many times as it went for longer dives! Our afternoon classic got to enjoy another humpback whale “Blood Diamond” who provided us with some lovely interactions. The express managed to find “Blood Diamond” and another humpback whale, which was enjoying the long rolling swells. what a lovely day to enjoy the fjord!

Pictures and text by Tess Hudson

Tours today: Classic: 09:00 & 13:00, Express: 14:00


Tuesday, 28 September 2021


Sunday, 26 September 2021