Wednesday, 20 April 2022

It was a magical day in the fjord. With southern winds on our backs and a heartful longing for whales, Sara and Mada sailed away from Akureyri harbour with an international whale-loving group of passengers. After a fledging encounter with only one harbour porpoise, we were absolutely delighted to spot a big group of northern gannets feeding in the area, and were even so lucky as to spot one of them plunge diving! After that, we felt something wonderful was about to happen. And it did. Just in front of the town of Hauganes, magic happened. We shared a beautiful encounter with the first humpback whale arriving in the fjord this season, as she surface fed and graciously entertained us. It even made Mada cry. What a great season we have ahead!

Pictures & Text: Mada Gaspar

Departures today: 9:00 Classic, 10:00 Express


Thursday, 21 April 2022


Tuesday, 19 April 2022