Wednesday, 18 May 2022

The best day to everyone, and indeed it was a WALETASTIC DAY! And this is because today we were able to see three different cetacean species, more than once each, in a windless waveless fjord! How amazing was that? We started siling off from Akureyr’s harbour like any other day but just next to the hot water waterfall BAM! Minke whale even before the safety speech. after the encounter, we kept sailing on and just Before Hjalteryri we saw one big blow a bit far away… But when we reached the area OMG it was not one but three Humpback whales and for a while, we had a whale show!! After a good time with these humpbacks we were joined by two other whale watching boats, so honouring our code of conduct we sailed on in search of yet another Humpback whale we had been seeing in the distance. And when we found it surprise surprise…. from today we have a new whale on the Fjord! But the cherry on top was, when this whale was joined by three Harbour porpoises and it was the cutest thing to see. So today we ended up with 1 Minke, 4 humpbacks and some porpoises.

Text & Images: Gisela Solà

Departures for the day: Classic tour 09:00 & 13:00 o’clock; and Express tour 10:00 & 14:00 o’clock


Tuesday, 17 May 2022


Monday, 16 May 2022