Tuesday, 24 May 2022
What a day out on our fjord! We had great conditions on our morning tour with very flat waters. Just after we left the harbor, we spotted the first Minke Whale of the day. We hadn’t even passed TDK on the outskirts of Akureyri, when we encountered this whale. As we sailed further north, we saw two Humpback Whales, that kept us company for a long time and kept coming up for air in the same area. Additionally, we saw a total of Minke Whales in the fjord as well as Harbour Porpoises and we had plenty of Northern Fulmars close to our boat today.
Because of the pattern on the fluke, we gave one of these Humpback Whales the name “Left Hook” and we have been seeing this individual very often on our recent tours. This time, this whale even showed us its baleen plates when coming up to the surface feeding during our RIB tour in the morning.
We had several close encounters and had a lovely day out on the fjord!
Text & Images: Cheyenne
Departures for the day: Classic tour 13:00 o'clock; Express tours: 09:00, 10:00 & 21:00 o'clock