Wednesday, 6 July 2022
Our Deckhand Nikola “The Croatian Machine” is famed amongst our guests for standing even the coldest days in just a T Shirt. As we hide in our overalls he often let us know “Guys you know its summer”. Given that, we were surprised he wasn’t parading the deck bare chested today !
In staggering sun and crystal clear sea it would’ve been impossible to not spot anything. So spot we did. 9am and 13am Classic saw 1 returning Humpback. The same on 10am Rhibs with the whale getting quite friendly with the 1400 pm Rhib. Perhaps he was imitating a cheeky Artic Tern who decided that whales shouldn’t get all the attention swooping so low over the Rhib we could touch it ! 1700 o’clock classic got very lucky and sighted two Humpbacks. As ever plenty of Porpoise were seen. One cheeky minke made a brief appearance for the 9am classic.
Text: Pete
Images: Pete & Mada
Departures today: Classic 09:00, 13:00, 17:00 & 20:30, Express 10:00 & 14:00