Friday, 12 August 2022

What a beautiful day in the fjord, in the morning the water was almost as smooth as a mirror and there was very little wind. We did need to sail for quite a while as we encountered our first Humpback whale past Hrisey. In the morning we also spotted a second Humpback whale further in the distance. Luckily for us both of these whales traveled south and in the afternoon we managed to see both of the Humpback whales, one of them just past Hjalteyri and the second one just south of Hrisey. As an extra surprise we spotted a Minke whale south of Hrisey. We really hope the whales come even further south so we can observe them even closer to Akureyri tomorrow.

Text: Anouk

Pictures: Mada

Departures: Classic 10:00, 13:00 and 17:00, Express 9:00, 10:00 and 14:00


Saturday, 13 August 2022


Thursday, 11 August 2022