Tuesday, 13 September 2022

Whale hello there! This morning we sailed out in calm weather conditions, the water in the fjord was flat and in the beginning of our tour the sun was even shining. When we got further north, it started to rain, but luckily the whales don’t mind being wet!
When leaving the harbor of Akureyri for our morning tours, we were greeted by the two Northern Bottlenose Whales here in Pollurinn. They came up super close and continuously circled our RIB boat while spy hopping. Wow! What a way to start our day, it really was a fantastic encounter.
Northeast of Hrísey we encountered one Humpback Whale during our morning tour and two Humpback Whales in the afternoon. All of them surfaced really close to our boats and we had beautiful encounters with them!
On our afternoon tour, the weather changed a bit and the wind picked up. But fortunately, we were able to spot these gentle giants anyway and we also saw a few more blows further out.

Text: Cheyenne

Images: Cheyenne & Anouk

Departures today: Classic tours: 09:00, 13:00 & 17:00 o’clock; Express tour: 10:00 o’clock.


Wednesday, 14 September 2022


Monday, 12 September 2022