Friday, 20 October 2023

The weather today was windy and we sailed out in a cloudy fjord with some swell in the morning. Throughout the day, the wind picked up more and our afternoon tour got cancelled due to the weather conditions.
Sailing out was definitely worth it this morning though! We spotted the first few blows north of Grenivík and soon discovered that we had Humpback Whales all around us! In total, we counted up to 20 individuals in the area, we saw blows near and far. Some of these Humpback Whales were swimming alone, but we also encountered several pairs or groups of up to three Humpbacks swimming together. We had beautiful encounters and got to see a few of these Humpback Whales really close to us!
While sailing, we also spotted several pods of Harbor Porpoises here in Eyjafjörður.

Text & Pictures: Cheyenne
Departures of the day: Classic Tour 09:00 o’clock.


Saturday, 21 October 2023


Thursday, 19 October 2023