Tuesday, 24 October 2023
We had amazing conditions today with zero wind and glassy sea.
Our morning RIBs traveled out to around south Hrisey where we encountered many Humpback Whales, approximately 10. The whales were fairly spread out but all surfacing at different times so there was no time spent without a whale. In addition to this, there was countless Harbour Porpoises seen from the start to finish. Our afternoon tour was spent a little further south with 2 different Humpbacks as well as 2 very calm Minke Whales. We recognised both of the afternoon humpbacks, we had the Bumpback and our newly named ´Pretty Average´ who has been a main stay this season. The afternoon tour was especially nice with the scenery and the fact we were completely alone with the whales surfacing around us, we had no reason to move.
Text & Photos: Mac
Departures: Classic-1400 & Express-1000.