Friday, 3 November 2023

We had a calm afternoon tour today with good weather conditions.
On our tour, we sailed out and spotted a Minke Whale north of Svalbarðseyri. Additionally, we encountered several pods of Harbor Porpoises on the way out as well as on the way back to Akureyri.
South of Hjalteyri, we spotted 7 Humpback Whales! They were spread out in the area, so we could observe some of them in the distance, while we had a few of them close to our boat. Two of them were swimming together, surfacing simultaneously. Several times, these two Humpback Whales came up for their breathes just next to our boat! How exciting!

Text & Pictures: Cheyenne
Departure of the day: Classic Tour 13:00 o’clock.


Saturday, 4 November 2023


Thursday, 2 November 2023