Friday, 7 April 2023

Cloudy day in the fjord, but incredible sea conditions! This morning the fjord was flat as a mirror and we could enjoy smooth sailing all the way to Hrisey Island. We saw a lot of birdlife - Long tail ducks, Northern Fulmars, Guillemots and Kitiwakes but no whales were spotted. In the afternoon we sailed out again. The wind picked up quite a bit but the conditions overall were quite comfortable, on our way out we got to see few harbour porpoises popping up right next to our boat but we weren’t able to find any bigger species today. We received a call about the sighting of Orcas several kilometers north of the tip of troll peninsula so we are hoping they would come our way tomorrow! Today everyone was offered to join us again within the next two years.

Pictures & Text: Ania

Departures today: 10:00 Express, 13:00 Classic


Saturday, 8 April 2023


Thursday, 6 April 2023