Saturday, 13 May 2023
Good afternoon everybody, despite having a bit of wind we finally could see the sun shining in Eyjafjörður and we had very good sightings today. In the classic tour just outside the harbour, we spotted a nice group of our cute harbour porpoises feeding together with kittiwakes and arctic terns. By Svalbarðseyri, we spotted a Humpback whale, at the beginning it was a bit tricky because it came to the surface quite far from us, but in the end it decided to stay closer, giving us the chance of nice and close encounters. In the express tour apart from a Humpback whale we saw 2 Minke whales, the first one just five minutes after leaving the harbour and the second one a bit further out by Svalbarðseyri. Regarding the birdlife, we have seen Long tailed ducks, northern fulmars, arctic terns, black guillemots and kittiwakes!
Text & Images: Gisela & Gema
Departures today: Classic Tours 09:00 o’clock. Express tour: 10:00 o’clock.