Wednesday, 3 May 2023

Hello everyone! Again today we had an amazing sunny day that permitted us to enjoy the wildlife we encountered in the fjord. In the morning tour, we sailed on a mirror like sea, so thanks to that, we spotted many Harbour porpoises just 5 minute after departing. Not far we then spotted 2 Minke whales, one of them was our dear Vestra, that we met in 2019 and she has been coming to Eyjafjörður in the summer since that. Then, by the town of Hrisey we spotted a Humpback whale. In the afternoon trip, we had a little bit of wind but we spotted 2 Humpback whales, the first one not far from Akureyri, and the second one again by Hrisey. Regarding the birdlife, we have seen Long tailed ducks, laughing gulls, northern fulmars, arctic terns and black and common guillemots.

Pictures & Text: Gema

Departures today: Classic Tours 09:00 & 13:00 o’clock


Thursday, 4 May 2023


Tuesday, 2 May 2023