Thursday, 4 May 2023

Whale hello there!
Today was quite a busy day in our lovely Eyjafjörður. We departed in the morning from Akureyri with a cloudless sky and just a chill breeze. Overall it was a day full of life. With tones of Long tail ducks, Black Guillemots, Northern Fulmars, Kittiwakes, Aider ducks and even a couple of Arctic terns and Northern Gannets! But whale wise we found one Minke Whale just passed Svalbarðseyri, quite sneaky but still every one managed to see it. And shortly after we found our resident visitor for these past weeks, our friend Albus Humpeldor, the Humpback Whale. Today we also had lots of very playful and very cute Harbour Porpoises popped up all around and making everybody very happy with their cuteness. but hat was not all, since we kept sailing a bit up the fjörð, until just before Hjalteyri where we found ourselves with our 2nd Humpback whale of the day, and it was an amazing encounter indeed since both humpbacks came us so close to us we could even feel their breath n our face.
In the afternoon tours, we were also quite lucky of spotting both of our nice morning Humpback Whale, only this time when it appeared it gave us a scare since it just popped 5m away from the boat but since it was most likely feeding on the water column it was showing the beautiful white fluke quite a lot. And despite the Northern wind picking up we still also had a very quick pick at two Minke Wales that also were quite sneaky in the afternoon.

Text & Pictures : Gisela

Departures today: Classic Tours 09:00 & 13:00 o’clock. Express tour: 10:00 o’clock.


Friday, 5 May 2023


Wednesday, 3 May 2023