Tuesday, 9 May 2023
Good afternoon everybody, despite having cloudy skies and a bit of wind, we had very good sightings today. In the morning, we spotted 5 different Humpback whales not far from Akureyri. At the beginning it was a bit tricky because they came to the surface quite far from us, but in the end, 2 of them decided to stay closer, giving us the chance of a nice and close encounter, so we just turned the engines off and enjoyed them. On the way back we were able to spot few groups of harbour porpoises.
In the afternoon, we encountered one very fast Minke whale that sadly we were able to see just once, and 4 Humpback whales, even one of them breached. It is incredible when these amazing animals give us moments like that. Again on the way back we saw several harbour porpoises. Look forward to see what the fjord has for us tomorrow!
Text & Images: Gisela & Gema
Departures today: Express tour: 9:00, 10:00 and 13:00 o’clock.