Monday, 8 May 2023

Hello everyone! Today we have had a sunny and busy day in Eyjafjörður. In the morning tour we saw 6 Humpback whales, the first one by Dagverðareyri showing itself quite curious with us as it came very close to the boat, it was the perfect way to start the day. When we were waiting for the last humpback to come back to the surface, we spotted a minke whale, it was swimming calmly quite next to us. To end, on the way back few harbour porpoises popped up and although they were very fast some of us could enjoyed them as well. In the afternoon tour, the clouds hided the sun making the trip a bit chilly but all our adventure passengers braved the weather and stayed outside for the whole trip. We sailed on a “whale soup” as we were surrounded by many Humpback whales one of them making some tail slapping. Regarding the birdlife, we have seen Long tailed ducks, laughing gulls, northern fulmars, arctic terns, black guillemots, razorbills and a northern gannet!

Pictures & Text: Lenka & Gema

Departures today: Classic Tours 09:00 & 14:00 o’clock. Express tour: 10:00 o’clock.


Tuesday, 9 May 2023


Sunday, 7 May 2023