Sunday, 13 August

Crazy day today in our lovely Eyjafjörður. In the morning, we departed from a very grey Akureyri but with a very calm sea. We had to sail al the way back to N Hísey, but Oh man it was worth it indeed. Suddenly we were surounded by a pod of at least 150 White-Beaked dolphins, there was dolphins as far as the eye can see, and some of them started jumping like there’s no tomorrow. Simply breath taking. But that was not all, beacuse we also encountered in the same area 2 Humpback whales surfacing quite close to the boats.

The evening was a complete different scenery, since the dolphins were gone, but we had a humpback party with the two guys from the morning in addition to 3 more. A total of 5 Humpback whales. WOW.

Text and photos: Gisela Solà

Departures for the day: Classic- 0900, 1300 & 1400 o´clock. Express-1000 & 1400 o´clock.


Monday, 14 August


Friday, 11 August