Thursday, 17 August 2023

We had another calm and even sunny day today!
In the morning, we encountered several Humpback Whales as well as White-Beaked Dolphins north of Hrísey. We had whales coming up close to our boats and got to see them super well! Another Humpback Whale was encountered south of the green buoy on the morning tours.
In the afternoon, we also spotted a Minke Whale south of Grenivík! This was an exciting surprise, it was a really nice as well as close encounter. Additionally, we saw the same Humpback Whale from the morning, swimming even further south, by Svalbarðseyri.
We had a super beautiful day on the water!

Text & Pictures: Cheyenne
Departures of the day: Classic Tours 08:15, 09:00, 12:45, 13:00, 14:00 & 17:00 o’clock. Express Tours 10:00 & 14:00 o’clock.


Friday, 18 August 2023


Wednesday, 16 August 2023