Monday, 7 August

Dearest readers of the blog.

I came into work today tired, a bit sleepy, not too optimistic. Boy was I woken up by what the heavens had gifted us today, clear blue skies and complete glass seas. Certainly a day for shorts. Our mornings tours were particularity plentiful with a large group of Harbour Porpoises fully porpoising out of the glass near the harbour. We then also saw a Minkie Whale surfacing and diving, just south of Hyalteri, on the way out and the return back in. The real treat, however, was the whale soup we entered around East Hrisey at the peak of the tour. 14 Humpback Whales. So many humpsters we didn’t know were to look, but we had some really nice close encounters with several whales. One particularly nice moment was with one very large individual, with a very dark fluke, that turned and approached the boat before diving off just meters away. The weather got slightly windier throughout the day, however, the shorts powered through.

Text & Pictures: Mac

Departures of the day: Classic Tours 09:00, 14:00, 1700, 1700 & 2030. Express Tours: 10:00, 10:00


Tuesday, 8 August


Sunday, 6 August