Wednesday, 9 August
Dear whale enthusiasts,
We had perfect whale watching weather this morning. The water level was like a mirror, so no whale could escape our sight:-) . We spotted the first whale near Svalbarðseyri. And what kind of whale was that? It was a humpback whale. It is easily recognizable from other whales due to its specially shaped dorsal fin and its tail. It was amazing to see a humpback whale so close to Akureyri. We watched the whale for a few minutes and then sailed more to the north where we found more humpback whales..One near Hjalteyri and another south of Hrísey. What an awesome day full of whales today. One even came to look at us very closely. It is always a wonderful moment for our guests but also for us. Every day is different and full of surprises, and I am personally very much looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.
Text: Lenka
Pictures: Lenka
Depatures; Classic: 0900, 1300, 1700 Express : 1000, 1030, 1400 ,1430