Wednesday, 17 January 2024
Yet another cold day in North Iceland with a bit of snow and wind, but overall we had good weather conditions.
Just south of Svalbarðseyri, we encountered Jóli, one of the Humpback Whales, which we have recently frequently seen here in the southern part of Eyjafjörður.
We had great and close encounters, the Humpback Whale resurfaced very frequently, not letting us wait more than a few minutes in between surfacing.
We sailed further out to Hjalteyri and on our way back, we encountered the same Humpback Whale again!
We had more beautiful encounters and saw this Humpback very close to us, resurfacing very calmly and often!
Text & Pictures: Cheyenne
Departure of the day: Classic Tour 11:00 o’clock.