Tuesday, 22 October 2024

Despite the Northern wind in the surrounding area, we were fairly sheltered from it in the fjord and therefore did not experience too much of it. The wind also decreased more so into the afternoon, leaving us with a very flat level 1 sea state. The visibility followed a similar pattern, improving into the afternoon.

In the morning we saw many Humpback Whales stretching from the Green Buoy to Hjalteyri, estimated around 10-12. We also witnessed some exciting behaviours including surface feeding, lunge feeding, rolling and diving in a large group together.

In the afternoon we saw a frenzy of whales with around 5 Humpbacks in the same area as the morning. We heard that the majority of the Humpbacks from the morning had moved further North, however, now we had the addition of 3 Minke Whales and maybe 50 Harbour Porpoises. All of the animals were in the same place and it made for a really amazing encounter stationary with our engine off.

Text & Photos: Mac

Departures: Classic - 0900 & 1300 Express - 1400 O’Clock


Wednesday, 23 October 2024


Monday, 21 October 2024