Saturday, 21 December 2024
Hello all whale enthusiasts,
Today we set out again in a nice breeze. The temperature was -6 degrees Celsius but there was no wind and the water surface was calm.
We were enjoying the beautiful scenery of the snowy mountains and waiting to see the first whale exhale. And suddenly something black flashed in front of us very close to Hjalteyri. We waited a while and then we saw two backs of humpback whales not far from our boat. We also saw their majestic tails. First Piccolo showed us his fin and right after him his traveling partner… I couldn't recognize this whale though. Maybe some new whale visitor in our fjord. We will only know after a closer look at the identification photos that we obtained on the tour. The whales seemed to want to show themselves to us from every angle. They always surfaced on the other side of the boat but very close. It was clear that they did not mind our company at all. We all enjoyed their presence during the beautiful sunrise.
We hope that our whale friends will show us their full beauty tomorrow again. After our arrival at the harbor, we had the opportunity to see a Harbor Seal resting on the ice..Maybe an afternoon siesta? :-)
We can't wait:-)
Pictures & Text: Lenka
Departure of the day: 11:00 o’clock Classic Tour.