Sunday, 22 December 2024

Hello all whale enthusiasts,

today we went to sea with -6 degrees Celsius, light wind from the south and waves up to 2.5 meters.

As in previous days, today we enjoyed the beautiful snowy mountain peaks around us. And in the distance, our first whale breath of the day south of Hrisey. The humpback whale took about three breaths and then disappeared under the water surface. These whales can hold their breath for almost an hour, but fortunately they appear on the water surface much more often. Basically, we have experience that in our fjord it is every 7-15 minutes. And why do whales have to come to the water surface? Well, to breathe. They breathe oxygen just like us. This humpback whale was probably looking for and following food. It always appeared in a different place and swam greater distances. After watching this gentle giant we headed back south. Along our way we saw another whale blow. This humpback whale was clearly whale blow every 1.5 minutes. When we got a little closer to it the whale decided to change direction and swim back north. But it still waved its tail at us as a farewell.

Pictures & Text: Lenka
Departure of the day: 11:00 o’clock Classic Tour.


Monday, 23 December 2024


Saturday, 21 December 2024