Monday, 12 February 2024

Today was dominated by snowy clouds hanging in the fjord and a moderate breeze coming from north. The further out we got, the bigger the waves did as well, but still very good sailing. After sailing north for about an hour, we started slowing down do do some searching. Conditions visually, have been challenging today indeed. Yet, lots of people spent the time outside. After looking and driving around for about an hour 15, we started heading back in hope something might pop up. Unfortunately only birds crossed our path but no whales today. Well, sometimes this can happen, but it certainly doesn’t kill our mood and passion for these animals.
We’ll see you again very soon my friends!

Text & Pictures: Jacob
Departure of the day: Classic Tour 13:00 o’clock.


Tuesday, 13 February 2024


Sunday, 11 February 2024