Thursday, 28 March 2024
The weather today consisted of a moderate North Eastern wind and snowing low visibility clouds, this improved through the tour and on our return south most of the clouds had cleared revealing the mountains.
We sailed north to just north of Hjalteyri, ruðavik area where we found a Humpback Whale. This whale was our dark fluke individual, Magnea, an MVP of the winter period. The whale was diving for roughly 5 minutes at a time, but, behaving in its usual way of only slightly lifting the tail. The whale surfaced in front and behind many times and appeared to be following a large shoal of fish detected on the fish-finder below us in the area. On many occasions the whale surfaced directed towards us so we enjoyed several close encounters as the whale swam along side, allowing us to listen to its breath.
Text & Pictures: Mac
Departure: 1300 O’Clock Classic