Friday, 29 March 2024

The conditions today fluctuated drastically throughout. We had a strong eastern wind for the whole duration of the day but increasing and decreasing visibility with strong snowing restricting sighting distance down to a couple hundred meters.

Despite the conditions we located whales in both of the day’s tours. In the morning we found 2 Humpback Whales around Rauðavik, the same place as yesterday. Here we had more typical 5 and dive displays with Camel showing high flukes and Magnea giving its very typical low fluke. Upon leaving we witnessed a tail throw and singular tail slap a little to the north of us, a possible feeding behaviour as there were countless diving birds and large numbers of schooling fish. In the afternoon we only found one of these individuals sand it was Magnea, a little south of Hjalteyri. The whale was surfacing in front and behind numerously with classic 5 and dives and on one occasion surfacing out of no where, literally, 1 meters from the bow. It gave myself and our passengers quite a fright, but, and excellent opportunity to detail and discuss the whales anatomy.

Text & Pictures: Mac

Departures: 0900 & 1300 O’Clock Classic


Saturday, 30 March 2024


Thursday, 28 March 2024