Monday, 15 April 2024
The weather fluctuated greatly today, with rapidly changing visibility from snow and a strong northern wind. This, together with a large Northern swell, ultimately pushed us toward the decision to cancel our afternoon and Rib tours.
We sailed north of Svalbarðseyri, roughly in line with the green buoy. Here we encountered a Humpback Whale several times. We had a mixture of distance to the whale, on one occasion surfacing very close to us, but we were greatly hampered by the sea conditions. On our return journey, however, we were treated to some great encounters with 2 more Humpbacks. These whales were surfacing very regularly, rarely down for longer than 2 minutes. These whales appeared to be feeding, evident through surface straining behaviours and our fish finder onboard confirmed a 10-meter-thick band of fish down at the bottom of the fjord.
Text & Photos: Mac
Departures: 0900 O’Clock Classic