Tuesday, 16 April 2024

We had great weather today, a minor northern wind and clear open skies made for ideal spotting conditions.

Our first encounter was with a Humpback Whale just north of Akureyri. This was our dark fluke individual Magnea. The whale was moving around quite a lot across the width of the fjord and diving for just a few minutes. A little further north, roughly around the green buoy, we found our second Humpback Whale. This whale stayed in mostly the same spot and exhibited many very high flukes, flicking back the tail on each dive.

Our afternoon tours were spent with the second whale by the green buoy once again as we were unable to locate Magnea further south.

Text & Photos: Mac

Departures: Classic - 0900 & 1300 O’Clock. Express - 1000 & 1600 O’Clock.


Wednesday, 17 April 2024


Monday, 15 April 2024