Wednesday, 17 April 2024
Today in our lovely Eyjafjörður we had the most ideal conditions for spotting. With a cloudy sky yet windless and waveless fjord ahead of us.
Just north of Akureyri, in between the hot waterfall and Svalbarðseyri, we encountered two Humpback Whales. One of them was our dark fluke frequent visitor for the past couple of weeks but the second one was an individual with a black and white fluke. Both whales were perfectly synchronized diving for just a few minutes, while one was deep diving the second one would surface so we had a constant sight of whales. A little further north, roughly around the green buoy, we found our third Humpback Whale. This whale stayed mostly in the same spot and exhibited very high flukes, flicking the tail on each dive.
Our afternoon tours were spent with our first 2 Humpbacks from the morning and this time we had the addition of a pod of roughly 30 Harbour porpoises.
Text & Photos: Gisela
Departures: Classic - 0900 & 1300 O’Clock.