Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Today we departed from a very windy Akureyri. It was a bit choppy because of the wind, but the sun started to come up so we had a very pleasant trip in the sun.

Our first sighting of the day was our celebrity Humpback Whale Magnea. Who was by Svalbarðseyri, calmly diving and surfacing very close to the boat.

Further up the fjord, opposite Hjalteyri, by Strýtan, we found Camel. Our second Humpback whale of the day, showing us a high fluke.

But that was not all, because when Camel decided to start diving for a longer time, right next to it a big flock of birds was feeding and under them around 30 Harbour Porpoises were feeding.

Text & Images: Gisela

Departures of the day: Classic - 1300 O’Clock. Express - 0900 & 1000 O’Clock.


Wednesday, 8 May 2024


Monday, 6 May 2024