Wednesday, 8 May 2024
The weather this morning started off with a strong westerly wind creating fairly chopping sea conditions, however, this reduced and died down throughout the day. The sky was clear in the morning and this decreased to roughly 50% cloud cover by the afternoon. By the early evening, we were left with almost completely flat sea conditions.
In the morning, we found a Humpback Whale to the far east, close to the shore, opposite Hjalteyri. This individual was Camel and it was surfacing very regularly and most likely feeding deep below us where on the fish finder we could see between a 20 to 50-meter thick layer of fish! A Minke Whale was also found a little further north in the area around Rauðavik. On our evening tour, we once again found this Humpback by Hjalteyri, but, also a second Minke Whale by the green buoy and a surprise appearance from the Humpback Whale Magnea who appeared around Svalbarðseyri despite not being seen all day.
Text & Photos: Mac
Departures: Classic - 1700 O’Clock. Express - 0900, 1000 & 1300 O’Clock