Friday, 7 June 2024
The weather was slightly better today than it was yesterday. We still had strong wind coming from the north, also bringing in some waves. It was mostly overcast with some slight rain showers every now and then.
But it didn’t take us a long time to spot the first blow. It was definitely a challenge with todays conditions to stay warm but also spot animals. Guess what, we didn’t actually only see one blow, but two! First, we encountered a Minke Whale, and then later a Humpback Whale too, both South Hjalteyri. Every now and the we were accompanied by some curious Harbour Porpoises that put on a little show right in front of our boat.
Even though the weather might not always be that great, even in Iceland, today showed us that it is worth going out.
On the other hand, we are surely looking forward to some better weather in the next days.
Text & Photos: Jacob & David
Departures: Classic Tours - 0900 O’Clock.