Saturday, 8 June 2024
Welcome back whale watchers,
We are so happy to be back out on the Fjord after a few days of bad weather and some cancelled tours. It seems like the storm has finally passed and the snow and wind have settled down in Akureyri. The whales made us work a little bit on the morning tour today, eventually showing up north of Hjalteryri and putting on a nice show— a Humpback Whale was showing its flukes close to the boat, and with good water clarity we were able to see the pectoral fins as well.
Bird life is becoming more exciting with each passing day too. We are now seeing high numbers of Arctic Terns in Ejyafjörður, as well as Black Guillemots, Razor Bills, and Arctic Skuas. The Eiders near our docks have even welcomed their first duckling of the season, who is so cute and fluffy. Some Puffins also made an apperance!
In the afternoon it felt we were surrounded by whales just North of Svalbarðseyri where we stayed for the majority of the tour, not needing to move around much as we had 2 Humpbacks and 2 Minke Whales in the area, as well as some Harbour Porpoises.
A great day to get back on the water after a June snowstorm.
Text & Images: Lindsey & Mac
Departures: Classic - 0900 & 1300. Express - 1000, 1400 & 2030.