Wednesday, 3 July 2024

The sun is on a little holiday for now but not the whales.

We are getting some light to moderate North wind today, creating a few small waves.
In the morning we found 3 Humpback Whales all relatively close to each other, East of the Green Buoy. One even breached 3 times right in front of us and another started lunge feeding around our boat just after that. Very Exciting!

In the afternoon tours, we saw even more whales (8 Humpback Whales) and some close encounters. One of our tours had found 2 lovely but smelly Minke Whales. In case you didn’t know, Minke whales have a horrible breath that smells like rotten fish.

It was nice to see the whales still feeding in the same area, they have been busy there for the last 3 weeks—there is so much food in the Fjord now for them! We have noticed lots of run off from the melting snow, which is adding nutrition to the water, and we think this is contributing to the nice surface feeding behavior that we have been seeing lately.

Text and pictures: Jacob, Yoann & Lindsey

Tours of the day: Classic - 0900, 1300, 1400 & 1700 o’clock. Express - 1000 & 1400 o’clock.


Thursday, 4 July 2024


Tuesday, 2 July 2024