Monday, 12 August 2024

Good evening everyone,

We were quite busy watching whales, so today’s story is served as a dinner. Morning greeted us with a misty fjord. Calm sea and clouds hanging low in the sky. Pretty spectacular atmosphere to be honest. It has something to it not having it always nice and sunny, doesn’t it.

Early morning brought to the southern shores of Hrísey. On the way, there were countless encounters with Harbour Porpoises and also a Minke Whale South of Svalbarðseyri. When we arrived, it almost looked like a Humpback Whale gathering to decide something important. 5+ Humpback Whales hanging around the same area, most likely feeding in the depths of this fjord. So nice to see them all together like this. They were showing us their beautiful tails and from time to time we could see also the cute little bumps (tubercles) on their snout. Many close encounters throughout the whole journey!

Afternoon gave us even better treatment as 4 Humpback Whales were even closer this time just a bit North of Hjalteyri and we found another Minke Whale around Hjalteyri. One of our very experienced members of the team suspected that it could be a Sei Whale. So let’s see if we can find out if that would be confirmed.

Another lucky day in the Arctic paradise.

Text & Photos: David

Departures: Classic Tours: 09:00, 10:00, 13:00, 14:00 & 17:00 o’clock. Express Tours: 10:00, 14:00, !7:00 o’clock.


Tuesday, 13 August 2024


Sunday, 11 August 2024