Saturday, 17 August 2024

The morning was extremely calm with a flat sea and no wind. There were actually some blue spots in the sky also.
First, we saw a Humpback Whale and then some splashes next to Hjalteyri. Turns out the splashes were lots of White Beaked Dolphins that came towards us. After some time we went back to watch the Humpback. Great start to the day!
Evening EDIT: Alright, so maybe you are wondering what we saw later on in the afternoon, we got super lucky not only with the early morning tours, but we got to see a Minke Whale from other boats as well, but later on we met these playful rascals (White Beaked Dolphins) again, they were annoying Disy - our Humpback Whale which usually tends to be quite grumpy when it comes to these interactions, the dolphins were just swimming around and the whale kept trumpeting and rolling to its sides. One of the coolest things to see honestly. Apart from what happened next. Because believe it or not, that is even cooler - later that day we went out, we saw a few beautiful dives of a single Humpback Whale and then a breach! Followed by a head slap, tail throws and tail slapping, super cool show by Disy that happened just a little south of Hjalteyri. On the last tour at 5 pm, we also found two Humpback Whales and had some incredibly close encounters. So in the end here it’s good to say, that no matter the weather, this was a day to remember.
Text & Photos: Jacob, David
Departures: Classic - 0900, 1000, 1300 & 1700. Express - 0800, 1000 & 1400 O’Clock