Sunday, 18 August 2024

We departed on a very grey morning but with a flat sea. Although the wind was picking up bit by bit and making the fjord rather choppy.
Our first sighting was a very unexpected Humpback whale just by the Hot water waterfall. After a couple of very nice surface sequences, it decided to be quite sneaky, so we decided to continue our trip further north.
We stopped by the green buoy when we saw a blow but little did we know! The Humpback Whale we found was not alone, it was accompanied by a small pod of White-beaked Dolphins. It was truly an amazing encounter. But the Humpback was not very happy with the dolphins because after a while she started trumpeting them and they left.
After this super cool encounter, it was, time to head back but on the way back just South of the Green buoy Piccolo the Humpback Whale appeared in front of us!
So we had a very nice count of 3 Humpback whales and 6 White-beaked dolphins.
EDIT: All tours after the morning departures were cancelled for the day, this unexpected change of wind and gusts of over 20 m/s from the north-western direction means that this fjord is by now not a very pleasant place to be. In this case, we need to wait until the wind calms down enough so we can go out again. Tomorrow looks very promising so far.
Text and pictures: Gisela
Departures for the day: Classic - 0900 o’clock. Express - 0800 o’clock.