Saturday, 3 August 2024

Welcome to the weekend,

Weather this morning was lovely— sunny and almost no wind, meaning amazing conditions to be out on the water (It´s rumoured some of the guides were even seen doing tours in shorts and t-shirts.) We were so thrilled to start the day off by learning the whales have moved significantly further south than the previous days. We were surprised to have our first Humpback Whale sighting near Svalbardseyri. To our joy and further surprise, we realised this was not one, but two Humpbacks side by side. To make things even better, we soon sighted another pair of Humpbacks near us too. So we spent the morning with these four whales, enjoying watching the two duos relax near the surface and then give us the occasional fluke show. Near the end of the tour we spotted one Minke Whale as well.

The afternoon weather was still very nice, with a few more clouds but still quite warm. We were able to locate one of the Humpback duos from the morning and we slowly followed alongside these whales until they led us so far south we were basically in the fishing harbour. There was so much bird life today as well, with many Fulmars and Arctic Terns enjoying the abundance of food.

Thanks for popping in to check on our whales, see you tomorrow.

Text & Pictures: Jacob, Lindsey

Departures: Classic Tours: 09:00, 10:00, 13:00, 17:00 & 20:30 o’clock. Express Tours: 10:00, 13:30 & 14:00 o’clock.


Sunday, 4 August 2024


Friday, 2 August 2024