Monday, 5 August 2024

Temperatures have dropped slightly since yesterday and clouds are dominating the sky. It is very calm in our fjord though. There was a light drizzle of rain a few times during the day. The wind picked up in the afternoon. But it was super easy to see the blows of the whales.

We found about 6 Humpbacks whales East side of Hauganes. They were actively feeding. We even recognised a big whale accompanied by a smaller one which could be a mum and its calf. In all our tours we encountered a group of 3 Humpbacks that got really close to the boat more than a few times. Lots of these individuals that we saw today are looking very familiar. We’re gonna have to search a bit and find out which ones they are.
In total we had lots of whales with lots of tails coming out.

Text & Photos: Jacob

Departures: Classic - 0900, 1300, 1500 & 1700. Express - 1000 & 1400 O’Clock


Tuesday, 6 August 2024


Sunday, 4 August 2024