Sunday, 22 September 2024

Like the last few days, this one also started with a very light breeze. We didn’t experience much wind at all during the rest of the day to be fair. What did change though was the sky. First cloudy, but then sunny in the afternoon. It’s incredible how warm it get’s as soon as the sun comes out.
On our morning tours we found 7 Humpback Whales in the area between the buoy and Hjalteyri. Some fairly spread out, some closer together but all of them feeding for themselves. They did actually move around more than usual, but this way we had different individuals popping up next to us all the time. Close encounters would have been a hard miss today.
With sun in the back we started sailing out at 2 pm on our classic tour and watched the same Humpbacks feeding in pretty much the same area. But this time we got a little sun tan as an extra.
There was one extra little fella that we encountered. A little Harbour Seal checked us out and came about 3m close to the boat.
In the afternoon, we also got to see a female Humpback Whale slapping its tale right in front of us!

The weather forecast for tomorrow looks great. Don’t miss out on sun and fun!

Text & Photos: Jacob

Departures: Classic - 0900 & 1400. Express - 1000 & 1400 O’Clock


Monday, 23 September 2024


Saturday 21 September 2024