Saturday, 25 January 2025

Today was a truly special day!
We sailed out with very calm, but snowy conditions. Arriving in the area south of Hrísey, we spotted one Humpback Whale. We watched this Humpback resurface a few times, always coming up for one breath, then lifting the tail right away for a short deep dive. A few times, we were able to see that its mouth was filled with water as it surfaced, showing feeding behavior.
As we watched this Humpback, a second Humpback Whale appeared behind our boat and what that happened afterwards, left everyone on board speechless! We were able to encounter this Humpback as it was actively feeding at the surface! We witnessed repeated bubble net feeding! Unbelievably exciting to see this Humpback’s white pectoral fins and white underside underwater as it swam in a circle while blowing bubbles before resurfacing with its mouth wide open!
This feeding behavior is rarely seen in our area and it was a truly extraordinary encounter! We feel extremely lucky to be able to see the spectacular wildlife in our fjord every day!

Pictures & Text: Cheyenne
Departure of the day: 11:00 o’clock Classic Tour.


Sunday, 26 January 2025


Friday, 24 January 2025