Saturday, 15 October 2016

We were treated to a 3 species tour and pristine conditions this afternoon in Eyjafjördur. The sun was shining, the air was crisp, cold and clean and the cetaceans were cooperating very well. We sailed on mirror like sea and encountered our first humpback after half an hour. The whales had moved a bit further out compared to yesterday, but when we realized that and followed their movements we were basically surrounded by humpbacks. Especially their blows and wet bodies glittering in the sun made it a great tour today. Next to that we also encountered a minke whale, which surfaced multiple times only a few meters away from us. When we started our way back we also saw some adorable harbour porpoises. They seemed to have their relaxed day so we could see them very well, even though they can be a bit elusive sometimes. Overall we saw 4-6 harbour porpoises, 1 minke whale and at least 5 different humpback whales. What an awesome day in the fjord.

Barbara Neubarth Picture by Barbara Neubarth


Sunday, 16 October 2016


Friday, 14 October 2016