Sunday, 8 March 2020
Dolfinatly a lovely day to be out on the fjord today! It was a bit chilly today so we put our nice warm overall to good use and headed out. It was a little windy but nothing too bad. After searching for some time a large pod of 15+ White-beaked dolphins popped up. They magnificently surfaced around the boat and even jumped and leaped at times, which was just awesome! It was decided to head out a bit further as reports of whales further out had come to our attention. However, we searched very thoroughly but could not find them, so we turned round and continued our search. On our way back, yet another pod of white-beaked dolphins were spotted, this time a smaller group of 5-8 individuals two of which were a mother and calf pair which were a delight to watch! As they came very close and could even be seen swimming under the water next to us.
Tour today: 13:00 Classic
Pictures and text by Tess Hudson