Thursday, 2 July 2020

WHALE IN THE HARBOUR! Exceptional day on the fjord, even before our tours began today we got our first glimpse of the wonderful whales. It was beautifully sunny, there was very little wind and it was very warm. On our express tour we were up close and personal with a wonderful humpback whale, which was not only surfacing very regularly but throughout the tour it was also surface feeding, coming up with its mighty mouth wide open! Which was just incredible to see. Our classic tour in the afternoon followed with the same delights, as this wonderful whale was still feeding at the surface! And continued to do so throughout the tour. We also took a loop of each of the tours to admire the beauty of the fjord and to give our hungry whale a break from our goggling eyes. But returned to get another look at the majestic feeding whale. An epic day to be enjoying the fjord, whales and sun.

Tours today: Express: 10:00 & Classic: 13:00

Pictures and text by Tess Hudson


Friday, 3 July 2020


Wednesday, 1 July 2020