Monday, 24 May 2021

Another amazing day in the fjord! Today we only had one tour but it was a great day to go out. We found 4 Humpback whales and we were told there was another 4 further out north! First we spotted a Minke whale just beyond Hjalteyri but he was actively feeding and we didn’t want to disturb him. We spotted a blow not that far away from the spot we were in and it belonged to Rosa! One of our May 2021 whales. The whale was very relaxed and coming very close to us. We stayed with him for a while and headed out north, this time east south of Hrisey as there was a lot of birds feeding there and it was a great call as we were surrounded by 3 Humpback whales lunge feeding! Spectacular show kept us there longer and we came back to the harbour a bit late but everyone seemed to be happy about it!

Pictures & Text: Ania Wojcik

Departures today: 10:00 Express


Tuesday, 25 May 2021


Sunday, 23 May 2021