Thursday, 3 November 2022
Hello there! We sailed out today in nice and calm weather conditions.
On our way north we briefly spotted a Minke Whale in the area of the green buoy.
South of Hjalteyri, we saw plenty of blows and sure enough, we were greeted by seven Humpback Whales surfacing at the same time! In this area, we spotted more and more whlaes and in total we saw at least 15 Humpback Whales on our tour today. They were all around us and one was surfacing just after the last one went for a deep dive, we never had to wait for a long time for one of them to come up for the next breath!
A highlight of this tour were the two Humpback Whales that surfaced right next to our boat, only a few meters away and proceeded to calmly swim past our boat to go for deep dives in front of us. We could see these two whales super well and the water was so clear, that we could even see their outlines really well underwater. What a beautiful encounter!
Text & Images: Cheyenne
Departure today: Classic tour: 13:00 o’clock.