Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Hello all! This early morning we sailed out on both Hólmosol and on the rib on a windy, snowy morning. The sun was hiding between the clouds, but it seemed eager to come out - which it did, later in the day. We moved towards Hjalteyri, to the area where whales were spotted yesterday, hoping they would still be there. They were kind enough (or hungry enough) to remain in this place. In fact, they appeared to be busy feeding, surfacing briefly for one or two blows, and then diving again. At some point, we found ourselves surrounded by four different humpback whales! Having to choose where to look was actually confusing, so we just stood still and marveled at the fluke show, from up close and then further away. But suddenly, out of the blue, a fast and furious dorsal fin, coming towards us, scaring all the motionless black guillemots away. Surprise, surprise: a minke whale!, which also looked to be feasting. And even though we then lost complete track of this particular individual, it was wonderful to see how this bountiful fjord is bringing species together, humans included.

Text & Pictures: Mada

Departures today: Classic 09:00 & 13:00, Express 09:00 & 14:00


Thursday, 12 May 2022


Tuesday, 10 May 2022